Words With Re as the Root as in Again

Examples of Root Words: 45 Common Roots With Meanings

Have you ever noticed that many words incorporate "human activity" or "class," such as action, human activityivity, conform, or incourseation? Well, that's considering those are root words. Get a clear definition of what a root word is, along with several root word examples yous can detect in the English language.

Senior comes from the root word sen Senior comes from the root give-and-take sen

What Is a Root Give-and-take?

A root discussion is a word or discussion function that forms the footing of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. In traditional root words, these words come from Latin and Greek, and typically practice not stand lone equally a consummate word. Understanding the meanings of common roots tin help yous piece of work out the meanings of new words as you encounter them.

Many of the words nosotros use in our daily language come up from a root word. Once you pull off any prefixes or suffixes, the root is usually what remains. For case, "egotist" has a root word of "ego" plus the suffix -ist. "Acting" has the root word "act" and -ing is just the suffix.

What Are Roots?

While traditional root words come from Greek and Latin, you might also come across discussion of modern roots in English. A root is a complete discussion that you tin can't interruption downwardly any further. For case, if you start with the word uncomfortable and remove the prefix un- and the suffix -able, you would exist left with the root of "comfort." While this isn't a Greek or Latin root word, it is the furthest that the discussion tin be broken downwardly.

At present that you know the difference between traditional root words and modern roots, bank check out several examples of root words along with a few of the words formed from them.

Root Words That Can Stand Alone

Some root words can be used independently or equally part of other common words in the English language. The post-obit root words are provided with their significant and, in parentheses, a few examples of the root every bit part of other words.

  • act - to motion or practise (actor, acting, reenact)
  • arbor - tree (arboreal, arboretum, arborist)
  • crypt - to hibernate (apocryphal, cryptic, cryptography)
  • ego - I (egotist, egocentric, egomaniac)
  • form - shape (conform, formulate, reform)
  • legal - related to the police (illegal, legalities, paralegal)
  • meter - mensurate (kilometer, millimeter, pedometer)
  • norm - typical (abnormal, normality, paranormal)
  • phobia - fear (arachnophobia, claustrophobia, hydrophobia)

Root Words as Word Stems

Since much of the English language language is derived from Latin and Greek, there may be times when the root of a word isn't immediately recognizable considering of its origin. You'll find that the roots listed are from Greek or Latin and tin't stand alone in English; they need something joined to them to make a whole give-and-take in English. Review the listing, also as a few examples of English words that are based on these roots.

  • acri - bitter (acid, acrimony, acridity)
  • astro - star (astronaut, astronomy, astrophysics)
  • aud - hear (audience, audible, audio)
  • auto - self (autonomy, despot, automatic)
  • bene - proficient (benefactor, benevolent, beneficial)
  • carn - flesh (carnal, carnivorous, reincarnate)
  • corp - body (corporal, corporate, corpse)
  • cred - believe (credible, credence, incredible)
  • dict - say (wording, dictate, edict)
  • fac - to do (factory, faculty, faction)
  • gen - birth (genesis, genetics, generate)
  • lum - light (lumen, luminary, luminous)
  • micro - pocket-sized (microbiology, microcosm, microscope)
  • multi - many (multilingual, multiple, multifaceted)
  • port - carry (portal, portable, transport)
  • sect - cut autonomously (dissect, sectional, transect)
  • sen - old (senator, senile, senior)
  • sent - to experience (consent, sensation, sensing)
  • tele - far (telephone, telegraph, television)
  • vor - to eat (herbivore, omnivore, voracious)

You lot could argue that roots like "sent" and "sect" can also stand alone as English words, merely they accept different meanings in that case. For more examples, explore these Greek and Latin discussion roots.

Additional Root Discussion Examples

Whether talking with friends or reading a book, you're constantly bombarded with root words. Hither are more examples of roots, their meanings and other words that are formed past calculation prefixes and/or suffixes to these linguistic communication building blocks.

  • ambul - to move or walk (ambulance, ambulate)
  • cardio - eye (cardiovascular, electrocardiogram, cardiology)
  • cede - to become or yield (intercede, recede, concede)
  • counter - confronting or opposite (counteract, counterpoint, counterargument)
  • dem - people (democracy, democrat, demographic)
  • derm - skin (dermatitis, dermatology, epidermis)
  • equi - equal (equity, equilateral, equidistant)
  • hypno - sleep (hypnosis, hypnotic, hypnotism)
  • intra - within or into (intrapersonal, intramural, intravenous)
  • ject - to throw (reject, eject, inject)
  • magni - big or not bad (magnificent, magnify, magnitude)
  • mal - bad (malignant, malfunction, malice)
  • omni - all (almighty, omnipresent, omnivore)
  • pater - father (paternal, paternity, patriarch)
  • script - to write (manuscript, postscript, scripture)
  • vis, vid - to see (envision, evident, vision)

You lot probably noted that a couple of these words can either stand alone, such equally "script" and "cede," or serve every bit the edifice cake to longer, fuller words.

Root Words vs. Base of operations Words

The terms "root words" and "base words" are often used interchangeably. The two are related, but they're not exactly the same affair.

A base word is a standalone English discussion that can likewise form other words with affixes (prefixes and suffixes). A root word is the Latin or Greek ground of a word that, generally speaking, can't be used as a standalone word. You may also run into just "root" used to refer to the bones Greek or Latin word part that cannot stand alone. For more on that, learn whether base words and root words the same.

Benefits of Learning Root Words

It might be difficult for you to understand why you need to larn root words. However, the root words are similar the roots of a tree; everything builds upwards from there. Therefore, root words hold the about pregnant. Learning root words can help you see how the meaning of words builds and grows. Plus, if you know root words, a lot of times, you can have a clue as to the definition of unfamiliar words.

Be Wise About Your Roots

Every root discussion has a meaning, and that meaning corresponds to the new word made from it. Be careful, though; some root discussion combinations brand less sense. Have the discussion "apology." Its root word logos means "speech" or "reason," and the prefix apo- means "abroad from." If you were to interpret the pregnant of apology based on root words alone, you lot might recall that information technology means "away from speech." That'due south not a very good explanation for a discussion that is used to express regret or remorse. So agreement the meaning of the roots can help you lot in general, simply information technology won't e'er provide you with a clear definition. To continue this compelling report, and larn more nearly the history of the words we utilise every day, bank check out some roots of English words found in Greek mythology.


Source: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-root-words.html

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