To figure out what type of tests you are best at, you should

If you lot're the type of person who e'er knew what career you wanted to become into, and are astoundingly happy and secure in your career path, then you lot, my friend, are doing smashing. If y'all're not sure you've fabricated the correct career choices, or are feeling increasingly restless in your job, then you, my other friend, are in good visitor. Maybe you lot picked something that interested you right out of school, but have come to find that you're no longer so keen on the field. Perhaps you picked your job or career because you thought it would be totally different. Whatever the case, you don't have to make your decisions (stay or go? What do I want to do?) blindly. There are a diversity of tools available that measure your strengths and weaknesses such equally career bent tests.

You're welcome to find a zen place (beach, shady tree, lone desert) and think hard most what you want to do with your career. But if y'all're like the rest of u.s., you might need a trivial additional aid to make the all-time choice. Chances are, you know yourself pretty well—but there are tools that can assistance you figure out if your personality and approach are a adept fit for your career path. And if non, where your strengths might lead you.

Why Personality Matters in Your Career

In the career world, data matters. Your skills matter. Your experience matters. Your references matter. What can get lost in this process sometimes is the real, complete you. Defining your professional qualities and actions on paper is pretty easy (wrangling them into bullet points and concrete examples, slightly less so). What doesn't necessarily run across in your resume is your personality, the sum total of your experience, outlook on life, sense of humor, values, and priorities. You may take more of a adventure to evidence other sides of yourself in an interview, but it'due south still a very limited, controlled environment.

Figuring out your personality and work style is more of a personal thing. The better you know yourself and how you lot react to situations, the more than likely you are to seek out jobs and careers that match upwardly with that. It'south like trying on pants. You tin like what you lot encounter on the rack, and assume that considering they're your size, they'll be fine. And maybe they will, just if y'all don't attempt them on first, or you run the adventure of being happy with said pants when you go them dwelling house. On the other paw, if you know the make of pants well, similar the style, and confirm they'll look good on y'all before you buy, and so yous'll probably be pretty happy with your pants. Career happiness is probably more important to you long-term than pants happiness, then it makes sense that yous'd desire to utilize at to the lowest degree as much care to your career choices as well.

Personality also matters to your daily work life, even beyond the choice of a task. It's a major factor in your success and satisfaction on the job. Are you a leader or more than of a platoon member? Can you overcome major differences with colleagues or bosses to become things washed? Are you a lone wolf that prefers hunkering down and getting things done over working with a team on a project? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do yous prefer look at the big flick, or are the modest details all you can meet?

It's of import to sympathize how you collaborate at work, and what your comfort zones are. It can be good to button those comfort zones a fiddling for the sake of personal and professional growth, but it'southward all-time to be reasonable about information technology. If you're an introvert, a job where y'all have the spotlight on you merely might non be very satisfying in the long term. You can modify jobs, merely irresolute your personality is just non very feasible.

For more on personality and your career, check out this video:

[via OTM Instruction]

And then how do we effigy out this baseline personality, and outset making smarter career decisions? To the cyberspace!

How to Effigy Out Your Path

The online earth isn't simply good for helping you figure out which Game of Thrones grapheme y'all would be…it also has more serious quizzes that you can utilize to help yous figure out what your own real-life grapheme is (you'll nevertheless accept enough of fourth dimension later to figure out whether you're a Lannister or a Stark).

Online quizzes and surveys that go beyond Facebook memes can help you actually drill downwards into your grapheme and personality, and figure out where to go from in that location.

Permit's look at some of the top personality/career quizzes and assessments.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI is a general personality assessment that is used broadly by professionals when it comes to evaluating new hires or potential candidates. It assesses personal preferences, like motivation, how you lot procedure information, how you view the earth, etc. The official test is $49.95, simply there are also gratis versions kicking effectually as well.

How to apply it to your career: Sites like this one have already done some of the leg piece of work in figuring out what types of jobs match your Myers-Briggs personality blazon.


Truity builds on the Myers-Briggs blazon, and offers a TypeFinder assessment that also identifies your personal strengths.

How to use it to your career: Truity recommends different job types based on your TypeFinder results. The official TypeFinder Personality examination costs $29, but smaller subtests (including i to figure out your temperament) are gratis.


Pymetrics uses games to help gauge your personality, forcefulness, and weaknesses, and match y'all upward with careers and companies looking for your type. It's not your boilerplate personality quiz—the interactive mind games make it feel more like you're taking a break than taking a test. It's free to sign up and get-go playing the games.

How to apply it to your career: The site features a matchmaking-type option that lets you find companies that would fit well with your personality. It'south non-binding, but it tin give you more information about the kinds of roles that might suit y'all.

The Johnson-O'Connor Career Aptitude Examination

This 1 is a bit of a flashback to those aptitude tests you took in high schoolhouse, which you then had to discuss with your guidance counselor in a meeting about Your Future. It'south a pretty straightforward paper-and-pencil test that yous can download and accept. Too, this test is hosted on Oprah'south website, and as far as careers go, Ms. Winfrey and her media empire are a pretty solid success story, wouldn't you say?

How to apply it to your career: The results on each individual test (in that location are 5 overall) evidence your strengths, and recommend general careers based on those strengths.

The MAPP Career Assessment Exam

This assessment is complimentary to try, only costs $89.95 to get total results and reports. It's a 15-minute examination where you choose one statement out of sets of three, and is billed past MAPP as the "near comprehensive online career test."

How to use it to your career: Upon completion of the test, the site promises to friction match you to five different careers based on the results. This can help point you in a particular direction (or away from another).

The O*Net Interest Profiler

This one is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, and is more career-involvement-oriented than personality-oriented.

How to apply information technology to your career: Based on your results, you can search the Department of Labor'southward database for more information on your recommended career paths. Yous can also search based on experience, teaching, etc., meaning you lot can find jobs that will be a good fit for y'all based on where you are right at present.

What Happens Once You Know Your Personality?

One time y'all've got a ameliorate sense of what your personality type is, you can start drilling down into what that ways for your actual career. The intersection of personality and career is a pretty hot i right now, and there's a growing number of resources devoted to matching your job to your personality type. Many of the test sites higher up have direct resource for searching for jobs that match you (rather than the other way effectually), but you can also simply start looking up categories of jobs.

career aptitude test

[via Business Insider]

You should also kickoff looking at job descriptions for central words. If your strengths lie in teamwork, look for positions that call for collaboration. If yous're yet not sure what kind of task would exist best for you, dive into a chore search site like Indeed or Monster and first reading through different types of chore descriptions, fifty-fifty if yous're non immediately interested in the chore itself. Remember: in this exercise, the more information you have, the better.

Personality insight is also helpful for things like networking. Knowing whether you're an introvert or an extrovert can help you observe ways to approach new contacts in a style that suits your fashion (meet for coffee or e-mail back and forth?).

As well, personality tests aren't simply for people looking to leap send to some other job—knowing your strengths and comfort zones can help y'all modify your electric current chore to be more comfortable. You can take this info and take a conversation with your boss about how to work more efficiently based on your personality, or how to re-prioritize in order to run across your goals improve.

Your long-term career happiness depends on a lot of things (chore, bacon, benefits, coworkers and bosses), but the virtually important matter is you lot. And the more info you have about yourself and your needs, the better prepared you'll be to meet your goals and be satisfied with your career.

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