How to Make Dry Spaghetti Wet Again

Homemade noodles hanging on a noodle drying rack.

Goose egg compares to bootleg noodles, however it is of import to know the best method for storing homemade noodles if you make them yourself.

Homemade pasta is very versatile and can be used with any sauce, meat, vegetable dish that y'all savour!

Information technology does not matter if it is a cream based sauce or tomato-based one because home made noodles go well with both types of sauces!!

Then, here is how to dry out and store bootleg noodles, plus a few tips on how you can get creative with your homemade pasta.

Creative Possibilities With Homemade Noodles

Are you lot tired of the aforementioned old noodles every day?

Do your taste buds crave something new and exciting, but all they can observe at their local grocery store is ingredient-less processed foods that volition never satisfy them again.

Well at that place's an piece of cake solution: brand your ain!

By making your own noodles at home, yous can get artistic with the ingredients and flavor.

It is easy to add herbs or spices yous like to the recipe and control the the thickness and length of the noodle.

Not only does this let for endless customization such every bit calculation garlic, herbs or edible flowers to the pasta (affiliate link) dough.

Plus you can apply organic eggs instead of store bought conventional eggs and that helps make everyone healthier because yous're eating fresh ingredients rather than store bought ultra processed items.

All of these options requite a noodle a unique flavor and texture not normally readily available at the supermarket.

Bootleg noodles are dandy to have on hand for a quick repast that can be served with veggies or sauce.

Not only that only past using local or organic produce when possible it's easier for everyone in your customs to eat well!

Why Storing Homemade Noodles Makes Sense

There are some of import things you need to know if you programme on storing your noodles for longer periods of time.

The most crucial cistron is preserving freshness and quality when making homemade noodles from scratch.

Well-nigh noodle recipes – unless y'all have created your ain or had one handed downwardly to y'all – make far more than noodles than most families can eat in one setting.

And then what is the all-time fashion to deal with the leftovers?

I recommend dehydrating them when they are notwithstanding fresh.

This way they will keep better and have a longer shelf life.

You can then packet your stale homemade noodles in any type of bag or container if desired.

You tin store your homemade pasta (chapter link) for upwardly to two weeks in an airtight container (chapter link) in the refrigerator, which is recommended since the pasta (affiliate link) contains eggs.

I recommend using tightly sealed zipper bags , merely other options include zip top lidded jars or even resealable food storage (chapter link) bags !

If you lot do non programme on using the noodles right away after drying them, freeze the pasta (affiliate link) instead so they exercise non lose their quality over time.

Storing homemade noodles this way keeps them tasting fresh for up to six months.

I practice not hang dry out my noodles, although you certainly could if that is your preferred method.

Homemade noodles hanging on a noodle drying rack.

At that place Are Options On Making Noodle Dough At Home

In fact, until almost a year ago, I used a bread automobile to mix and knead the dough.

The arthritis in my hands made kneading information technology by hand very difficult and so I was thankful when I found out I could employ the dough wheel on my bread motorcar to do this.

Then I came beyond a pasta (affiliate link) dough making motorcar at a thrift store and decided to give it a attempt.

Once the dough was made using either of the 2 methods in a higher place, I would curl the dough out and cut information technology using a noodle maker machine.

Now y'all can do this by hand using a rolling pin and a pocketknife if you wish.

However, I recently bought the KitchenAid iii-Slice Pasta Roller And Cutter Attachment Set to brand noodle making easier and faster.

I absolutely love it and take constitute myself making more noodles than what I did before in function because I only demand to clean up one appliance – my KitchenAid Artisan Mixer and the necessary attachments.

Using the KitchenAid Artisan Mixer to make pasta (affiliate link) is easy and the noodles plow out dandy!

What To Do After The Homemade Noodles Are Made

Afterwards the noodles are fabricated you can apply them fresh without drying them at all or y'all can choose to dry out them and follow these instructions for storing homemade noodles so yous take them ready when y'all are.

Here are the verbal step-by step instructions for dehydrating bootleg pasta (affiliate link) noodles.

  • Lay the individual noodles out on your electric dehydrator (affiliate link) tray making certain they do non affect and are in a single layer.
  • Then plough your dehydrator (chapter link) on and dehydrate them until they are crisp plenty on the outside to easily break without beingness night. If your dehydrator (affiliate link) has a temperature setting, make sure to gear up it at 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The size of your noodle is going to make up one's mind the drying time. An average fourth dimension is somewhere betwixt 2 and 4 hours depending on the thickness of your noodle. You lot don't want any "dough" left inside the noodle merely you don't want them stone hard either.
  • Once the noodles are dry enough that they snap in one-half and are not mashy inside, simply leave them on the dehydrator (affiliate link) tray to cool.

Of course, another option is to hang the bootleg noodles on a noodle drying rack and expect for them to dry naturally.

Dehydrated noodles laying on a counter top.

Storing Homemade Noodles And Using Them Straight From The Freezer

Once the pasta (affiliate link) is absurd and completely dry, you tin and so utilise it right away or put it into a container to store.

I shop mine in freezer safe containers in the freezer (affiliate link) which keeps the noodles from being crushed past heavier items.

The reason I prefer storing homemade noodles in the freezer is I call back information technology keeps them fresher.

I also practise not have to worry nearly either using glass containers or the possibility of  something getting into my container should I use plastic since I alive in the county.

When it comes time to use the homemade noodles, they do not need to thaw before you cook them.

When yous are ready to utilise them, simply take the homemade noodles out of the freezer and toss it into boiling hot h2o (chapter link) and melt information technology as you normally would homemade pasta (chapter link).

For those who do not brand bootleg pasta (chapter link), yous can too freeze shop-bought pasta (affiliate link) but be certain to put the package into a freezer pocketbook (affiliate link) or other freezer safe container first.

There are too long term storage options for noodles.


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