You Know What They Say About People With Big Feet

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4 unit.
Information technology Takes Many Kinds to Make the Earth


Discussing the Text

57. Explicate why:

  1. Pooh began to repent saying: �Oh, Eeyore, I didn�t mean that I didn�t want to see y'all�;
  2. Eeyore kept the patch of thistles for his birthday;
  3. Tigger looked anxiously at Pooh when he saw thistles;
  4. Tigger began running round in circles with his tongue hanging out;
  5. Eeyore said, "... nosotros all take our little ways,� when he asked Tigger to stop running nigh;
  6. Tigger rushed out of the house where Eeyore lived;
  7. Eeyore idea that Tigger had bitten on a bee;
  8. Pooh and Piglet didn�t speak on their mode to Kanga;
  9. the author mentioned that Pooh began feeling xi o�clockish.

58. Say all you can nearly these events. Utilize past tenses.

  1. Tigger meets Eeyore.
  2. Eeyore gives Tigger his breakfast.
  3. Tigger doesn�t like thistles.
  4. Pooh and Piglet accept Tigger to Kanga�s place.
  5. Roo doesn�t want to have his medicine.
  6. Tigger finds something that he really likes.

59. Use the reported speech and tell the story of Tigger coming to

a) Eeyore;
b) Kanga on the parts of:

a) the storyteller,
b) Pooh,
c) Tigger,
d) Eeyore,

eastward) Piglet,
f) Kanga,
g) Christopher Robin.

60. Work in small groups and human action out the two parts of the text: a) at Eeyore�s place; b) at Kanga�s place. One of the students should read the storyteller�s part.

Discussing the Topic

People say �It takes many kinds to make the earth� pregnant that all people are unlike. People tin can be different in:


� appearance
� personality
� beliefs and opinions
� behaviour and manners
� skills and experience

� education
� tastes
� linguistic communication and civilization
� dreams and plans for the future

Some people are dainty and loveable, others are unpleasant and difficult to socialize with. These lists include words that can aid you to depict people:


Adept qualities

� considerate
� well-mannered
� caring
� having a skilful sense of humour
� reliable
� intellectual
� independent
� cheerful
� patient

Bad qualities

� spiteful
� ill-mannered
� strict
� gloomy
� moody
� nasty
� fussy
� curious
� greedy

People�s appearances and their taste in clothes can also be different:


  • We article of clothing our hair long, curt, shoulder-length, shut-cropped, in a (pony) tail, in a plait (in plaits) or in a complect (braids), loose over our shoulders.
  • Our hair can be straight, curly, wavy, thick, thin, smoothen, fair (low-cal), dark, crimson, etc. People who have no hair are bald.
  • Our noses can be short, long, straight, turned-upwardly, pointed.
  • Our eyebrows are thick or sparse or sometimes bushy.
  • Our eyes can be narrow, round, with long or curt eyelashes, big and small, bright, shiny, expressive.
  • Our mouths can be small and big, with sparse or full lips.
  • Our teeth can be white, even, uneven, big or small.
  • Our chins can be round, square, pointed and have a dimple.
  • Our figures tin be bulky, stout, thin, slim, skinny, slender.
  • Some people wear a beard [bisdj and a moustache.

61. A. A grouping of British schoolchildren was asked to write on the topic �What Makes People Unlike�. These are some of their ideas. Match the lines from their works with the categories from vocabulary, p. 138 (e.g. appearance, personality, etc.).

1. �No one in the earth looks exactly alike, even identicalone twins. People are different colours and sizes ...�

2. �People are brought upii differently: some can be kind, considerate and well-mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill-mannered. Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict.�

iii. �At that place are people with a nice sense of humour. Some people laugh at things, others don�t. Different people find different things funny. Some people are moody and take things too seriously.�

4. �People take unlike tastes in clothes and friends, they like dissimilar styles and fashions and unlike kind of music. Some people like dresses and some similar jeans.�

5. �People behave differently and act differently. Not everybody knows how to socialize with others. Some people remember that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don�t talk about it. Some are ameliorate on the within than on the outside, others are amend on the outside than on the within.�

6. �Nosotros too take dissimilar dialects and languages and dissimilar cultures.�

seven. �Things y'all believe in can be quite different. Some people might be Christian, some people might not take a religion at all.�

viii. �Some people want to piece of work in an role or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, only other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese.�

9. �The main matter that makes people different is how they look. Some have blond and some accept brown hair. People also take unlike eyes colour. Some people are taller than others. People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length. Some people are fatty and some are hairier than others ...�

10. �Some people are big-headed, clever and smart. And everybody has a dissimilar level of educational activity.�

eleven. �Some people take a bad temper and don�t get along with others. There are nasty people and nice people. Most people are loving, but some are non.�

12. �Nosotros all accept different views and opinions.�

13. �Some people are practiced at practical things, others sit for hours with their noses in the books, only everyone has a special talent for some particular activity.�

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B. Work in pocket-sized groups and make up one's mind what else yous can add to what the children wrote on each point: appearance, personality, etc. 62

Recollect the conversational formulas to express agreement and disagreement (Unit of measurement 3, Ex. 28) and concord or disagree with these.

  1. People are both � different and alike.
  2. Living in the same place, reading the same books brand us alike.
  3. Good-looking people are always kind and friendly.
  4. Our personalities, tastes, likes and dislikes change with years.
  5. Personality mostly comes from the within not the exterior.
  6. Teachers and parents are never skilful friends to children.
  7. It doesn�t matter what people recall of you. The only person who matters is you lot.
  8. Only people who like and dislike the same things can sympathise each other.

63. A. Describe the characters of the text �Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast�. Say what they were tike and what they looked similar.

B. Look at these well-known Disney characters. Each of them is a personality. What are they like? What practice they iook like?

64. A. Make a listing of qualities that you lot believe to be important. Put them in tbe order of importance.

�. Make a similar listing of qualities that you dislike in people. Discuss your lists.

65. Comment on these:

  1. Everyone is special past being dissimilar.
  2. Everybody is unlike, only we are all equal.
  3. Dissimilar people oftentimes get on well.
  4. It takes many kinds to make the earth.

66. Work in small-scale groups and keep the lists of good and bad qualities from vocabulary (p. 138). See which group has made the longest list.

67. Speak most someone you admire (a real person or a movie/book character) and explain why you admire him or her. To make your story more logical write its outline first.

68. Look at these portraits of famous people and depict their appearances.

Example: The man in this film is as old equally the hills. He is bald but he wears a bristles and a moustache. His optics are pocket-size simply expressive. They are light blueish or probably calorie-free green. He has a long nose and a big mouth. He is smiling in the picture. I think he is a kindly onetime man with a expert sense of sense of humour.

69. A. Describe yourself when y'all were much younger (you can use a photo to illustrate your story or inquire your parents).

B. Say what you lot call up y'all volition look like and be like in the future.

seventy. Practically every child in this country knows Winnie-the-Pooh and other wonderful characters from A. A. Milne�south book, just not many people know annihilation about Milne himself. Imagine that your teacher has asked yous to tell younger pupils about the author of �Winnie-the-Pooh�. How will you do information technology? (Meet Ex. 23 of this Unit.)


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